Measuring Informed Delivery Results
January 17, 2019   Dave Lewis

Getting at the treasure in Informed Delivery reporting With every Informed Delivery® campaign, the Postal Service shares a treasure trove of results data – details on who responded, how they responded, when they responded, and more.  They also tell you who in your campaign is an ID subscriber.  Interpreting that data is more than a little tricky, but worth it. One of the many great reasons for using SnailWorks’ Direct2Digital® ID to do your Informed Delivery® campaigns is the reporting you get automatically.  There are two fundamental reports we provide on every D2D ID campaign:

  • Campaign Summary
  • Campaign Details

Campaign Summary gives you a quick overview of how your campaign did – how many prospects were ID subscribers, and received an email, opened it, and clicked:


Cool!  You can see almost 10% of your prospects got an Informed Delivery email.  That number keeps growing, by the way, as more people sign up for Informed Delivery.  Better still, we can tell you exactly who those people are, in great detail.  Thus, our next clever report name:  Campaign Details.  Just click on the link on the Campaign Summary:


This is a listing of every person on your mailing who is a subscriber to Informed Delivery, and what actions they took.  Did they get an ID email?  Did they open it?  Did they click on your ad?  Maybe they got two emails because they had two subscribers in the household. This is a wonderful insight to a portion of your universe – generally more than 10% - and growing.  So, what can you do with this data?

  • Use the data to create an A/B test, matching back against response. Did ID subscribers respond better?  Email openers?  Did one ad work better than another?  It’s all there in the data;
  • Informed Delivery subscribers are generally going to be more engaged with their direct mail – they are interested enough in it to sign up. If they open the ID email, better still.  If there are multiple subscribers in a house that is another indication of high interest.  Consider treating these prospects as you would multi-buyers.  Give them an extra offer – send them extra mail;
  • If you have an email address for a subscriber, they may be more email responsive as well. Again, consider special offers.

This is brand new data you have never been able to gather on your customers, donors, and prospective customers and donors.  They are raising their hands – don’t ignore their interest in the mail. This is where Direct2Digital ID is essential to your Informed Delivery success.  The Postal Service will not share personal information.  You need a service like SnailWorks’ Direct2Digital ID to put it all together for you.  You can access and download this information right from your Direct2Digital dashboard, or have reports sent to you automatically.   Learn more here.

Informed Delivery is a registered trademark owned by the USPS.  Direct2Digital is a registered trademark owned by SnailWorks, LLC.
