How We Market
September 28, 2015   Dave Lewis

And why you should, too.

Actually, maybe we should keep our marketing methods a secret. We never know who might be reading this, and we may be revealing our secret formula to a future competitor. Just kidding. If you truly want know our marketing “secrets” you just need to get on our list (a very, very easy thing to do) and pay attention. If you are a SnailWorks reseller, you can more or less directly steal our "secrets"– with permission, of course. Selling multi-channel marketing, or even just mail tracking, is a process. It takes time to help your clients understand the benefits of these services, but even more time to overcome the inertia and resistance to change inherent in people – and we do sell to people. It is important to stay present in your prospects’ mind, and that is what we strive to do in our ongoing marketing. We have a regular program to stay in people’s minds, and to establish thought leadership. One element is our monthly newsletter, Under the Shell – you’re reading it now.  Another component is our, um…well, we call it our Wednesday Thing.  It is a brief thought – easy to write, easy to read – that we share with our community.  Very rarely do any of these have offers – they are primarily informational. This regular flow of information has done a great deal to elevate our visibility in the direct marketing industry. As a reseller, you have free access to all of this content, and we’d be thrilled if you share it.  Put in on your blog.  Add it to your newsletter, or start a newsletter that uses it.  Make your own Wednesday Thing – but do it on another day, maybe. Feel free to edit or de-snark it as you like, but with very little effort and very little cost you can begin working on your own thought leadership program.   As the direct marketing industry continues to change, your customers and prospects are looking for thought leadership – give it to them! Drop us a line or give us a call, and we’ll be happy to help. In future issues, we’ll talk about our lead generation programs. We can help you with that, too. This is a fringe benefit of being a reseller that we wish more would take advantage of. Stay tuned!
