Well, This is Easy
November 29, 2016   Dave Lewis

Making multi-channel too simple to refuse – and making mail better

We understand how your clients feel – honest, we do.  No matter how easy it is to do something, it’s almost always easier to do nothingYou really do want your customers to coordinate other marketing channels with their mail – because it will help their mail work better, which is good for them…and you!  We all want things to work better. So how do you get your clients off the blocks, to do that first multi-channel job with you?  Well, SnailWorks has a new services package – Direct2Digital – that makes multi-channel so easy – and affordable – that it is tough to say no. So how do we distill the value proposition of multi-channel marketing into a package that requires virtually no effort?  Well, we simplified it to the most basic services that will make your clients’ mail more effective with very little effort:
  • Mail tracking;
  • PURLs that lead to your client’s web page;
  • Results tracking;
  • Retargeting.
So, why this combo of services?  First of all, because they’re easy – they require little or no design work – and mostly, because they work.  They boost response rates.  Sure we love coordinated emails and landing pages, and they can always be added to a campaign that starts out simple, but they do require some design and planning.  Direct2Digital services are this easy:
  • Contact you project manager;
  • Create a domain name. We have “stock” domains, or you can create your own.  We’ll help;
  • Upload your mailing file – we’ll append PURLs, and trackable IMb’s if required (if you’re already a SnailWorks Mail Tracking customer, you probably have this covered);
  • We’ll need a copy of your client’s logo, and a snippet about the offer, to use for the web display ads as part of remarketing;
  • We’ll provide a “cookie” for your client to add to their web page.
That’s about it.  We’ll return a file with PURLs and IMb’s as needed.  You print the IMb’s and PURL’s on the mail piece.  We set up a pass-through landing page that tracks visitors and hands them off seamlessly to your client’s web page.  As prospects visit your client’s web page – either directly or through the pass-through landing page – a cookie is placed in their browser that will cause a web display ad to appear on the web sites that the prospect may browse, leading them back to the client’s web page.  And all of this is tracked and reported on a SnailWorks results dashboard that includes mail tracking. The bottom line is that your clients’ direct mail takes on a whole new dimension with your help – all administered by SnailWorks’ Direct2Digital.
