Your Marketing is a Hit!
March 30, 2017   Dave Lewis

Is your sales team ready? Woo hoo!! You got 200 landing page visits and 40 conversions from a 7,000 record campaign – wow! People love your marketing. When Fred, your only salesman, gets back from Tahiti week after next, he’ll be thrilled. In the meantime you just wasted a great campaign. Timing is everything in a direct marketing campaign – well, maybe not everything, but it’s definitely a thing, and an important one. Coordinating your campaign efforts in a meaningful way will definitely boost response, all other things being equal.  But way too often, marketing fails to coordinate successfully with sales and production departments that need to act on the results.  If your campaign is designed to generate leads that you need sales reps to follow up on, try to determine expected response and roll out your campaign proportionately.  Many small businesses have a very small sales staff (maybe just the owner) so 30 or 40 leads at once may be more than they can reasonably handle.  If it is taking three or four weeks to contact a lead after they visit your landing page, it might no longer be a lead – just another cold call.  As you plan to deploy a new campaign, here are some considerations to keep in mind:
  • What will you do with responses to your campaign? Make a phone call? Fulfill a product? Send an information packet? Do you have staff and materials available to meet the response? Is it all ready to go?
  • Is your sales force well acquainted with your campaign? Do they know the offer? Can they articulate it?
  • Are you marketing to an appropriate number of people? What has past response been, and what can you expect this time? Can your sales force handle it?
  • Are your customer service and production staffs ready for an influx of business? Do they understand the offer? Can they deliver on it?
  • If you get more leads than expected, do you have a game plan for keeping them “warm” until you can follow up?
  • Do you have a plan for reaching out to landing page visitors who do not convert? If you have the available resources, these folks are often as good as conversions if your objective is lead generation.
No one complains about having too many leads or too much business. Being too busy is a problem that tends to fix itself, but coordinating your marketing with other aspects of your business will help you maximize the ROI on your marketing spend. Too many times we see clients not take full advantage of all of their marketing. We’re happy to give you too much business, but we want to see you make the most of it.  We’ll get your marketing coordinated – we leave the sales to you!  
