Keeping Your Trigger Finger Itchy
July 26, 2018   Dave Lewis

It has been well established that direct mail is more effective when it is coordinated with other marketing channels.  A single piece of mail is too easy to lose – forget – ignore. Reinforcing that message with another channel will virtually always improve response.  That’s where our initial core product of triggered email came from – we trigger an email on the same day – or the next – that the mail piece is delivered and the message is reinforced and the consumer gets an additional chance to respond – and a better response path.  We love it.  Our customers – and their customers – love it. Today, though, there is a whole array of possible triggers and delivery methods.  Here are some of our favorites:
  • Coordinated outbound telemarketing.  We support this a lot – as mail is delivered each day, we provide a call list to our client’s telemarketing firm, so they can call the prospect while the offer or appeal is still fresh in their mind;
    • One new twist we’ve seen to this that we like for fundraising, is to send an email follow-up immediately after a call.  If they donate or if they don’t.  Either way you have another message for them;
  • Informed Delivery.  This is the new Postal Service program that sends a coordinated ad to your prospects’ email the same day as your mail piece.  This is nice when you don’t have an email address;
  • Predictive triggering.  New Informed Visibility capabilities will soon allow us to coordinate an email 2-3 days before the mail is delivered.  “You’ve got a coupon coming on Tuesday.  Open this email to reveal your discount doubler!”
  • Landing page visit or convert triggering.  When someone visits your landing page and converts – or doesn’t – that presents an opportunity to follow up with retargeted web display ads, email, or even more direct mail, depending on how they visit the site.
Imaginative as you may be in designing your mail pieces or crafting your offers, use that same imagination to touch your prospects as many times as you can to immerse them in your brand, and to get them to respond to your offer.
